CICA’s Anti-Racism Commitment Committee (ARCC) was founded in January 2023.
We value that individuals may have different journeys and experiences in the work of navigating systems of oppression. We seek to collaborate with people at every stage of their anti-racism journey.
ARCC’s mission is to interrupt the systems of oppression that we are all a part of and have all contributed to, by equipping clinicians with the tools they need to journey with clients as they explore their understandings of identity, racism, and oppression.
ARCC seeks to develop brave practices that honor individual experiences and challenge intersectional racism, which inevitably impacts not only our clinicians at CICA but our clients, the communities we live in, and beyond.
Our upcoming projects for racial equity and justice in our practice:
Scheduling racial equity and justice trainings for all clinicians on a biannual basis
Building community partnerships to address mental healthcare disparities
Reviewing CICA policies through the lens of diversity, equity, and inclusion
More To Be Announced
Current ARCC Members